Now you can enjoy this amazing treatment at AWS


Benefits of our massages

  1. Stress Relief: Our massages are designed to melt away stress and promote relaxation, helping you unwind and rejuvenate both body and mind.

  2. Pain Relief: By targeting areas of tension and discomfort, our massages can provide effective relief from muscle pain and stiffness, leaving you feeling more comfortable and at ease.

  3. Improved Circulation: Stimulating blood flow and lymphatic drainage, our massages can enhance circulation, promoting better overall health and vitality.

  4. Enhanced Well-being: With the soothing blend of aromatherapy, deep tissue, and Swedish massage techniques, our treatments are tailored to suit your individual needs, leaving you feeling balanced, restored, and ready to take on the world.

Our massages

Back, Neck and Shoulders Massage

Relieve the stress and strain of everyday life with our focused back, neck, and shoulders massage. Targeting key areas of tension, this treatment will melt away knots and leave you feeling lighter and more relaxed.


Full body massage

Indulge in the ultimate relaxation experience with our full body massage. Our skilled therapists will expertly knead away tension from head to toe, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.


Back Massage

Experience soothing relief with our specialized back massage. Whether you’re suffering from stiffness or discomfort, our therapists will apply a blend of aromatherapy, deep tissue, and Swedish massage techniques to alleviate tension and promote deep relaxation.